At Buckgator, we’re redefining junk removal by prioritizing ethical practices and creating clutter-free, eco-friendly spaces.
In 2024, Buckgator was born out of a commitment to do better. We noticed a growing trend of junk removal companies cutting corners—dumping waste illegally and harming communities. Inspired to make a positive impact, we set out to create a service that values sustainability, community care, and customer trust.
Today, we’re partnering with recycling centers, donating usable goods, and ensuring every item we remove is disposed of responsibly. At Buckgator, it’s not just about removing junk; it’s about building a cleaner, greener future.
To lead the junk removal industry with transparency, sustainability, and community-driven practices, making eco-friendly disposal the norm.
We’re aiming to divert the majority of our pickups from landfills by 2025.
Bringing our eco-friendly services to more neighborhoods across Essex County.
Increasing donations of usable items to local charities and organizations.
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Join us in building a more sustainable future. Let Buckgator take care of your junk removal needs with transparency and care.
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